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Storymaker Storyteller

storymaker storyteller

A pair of devices that record stories to be relived by future generations.

The “Storymaker, Storyteller” are a pair of interactive objects designed to create a connection between individuals from two generations, such as a grandparent and their grandchild, through stories and pictures. Inspired by the design of 1970s electronic appliances, these devices allow a young person distant from their grandparent to enjoy the experience of a spoken story, accompanied by pictures shown as they would be on a traditional mechanical slide projector.


Neil's grandfather Donald worked as a teacher in Iran in the 1970s, where he had many remarkable experiences. He took hundreds of photographs, but these are hidden away in shoe-boxes in his attic. Donald and Neil are both aware that when Donald is gone, and with him the stories that lie behind these images, any detailed narrative of this episode from the family's history will be all but lost.

Storymaker, Storyteller applies digital recording and communication to encourage the passing on of these stories. It is a system of two separate products that work together, one for grandfather and one for grandson. The Storymaker is an enhanced (hand-held) slide-viewer for Donald: he can view his photographs and at any time press a 'Record' button and dictate the story behind a particular slide. When he is happy with this explanation, he can press the only other button, 'Send', and the slide will be scanned and sent via the internet, along with the accompanying voice recording. Neil has the Storyteller, which receives, archives and displays these transmissions. It is a projector, because projecting the images in a darkened room is part of the atmosphere of a slide-show. A simple rotary dial allows Neil to scan through the pictures. He can set a whole sequence of images playing, or choose to hear the story behind a particular image.

[your grandfather] speaks in the
technology of his day and you view in the technology of your day and it’s seamless–
that’s elegant and I’ve not seen that before... so thank you.
— Bill Buxton, Principal Researcher Microsoft Research

🏆 Best End-to-End design, Microsoft Research Design Expo '08.
📖 Featured in "Designed Technologies for Healthy Aging" by Claudia B. Rebola - link here.
📖 Featured in “Social Digital Objects for Grandparents” by Graham Pullin - link here.